Baby Dedication

“Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6 (NASB)

While Baby Dedication is not a scriptural mandate like Baptism or Communion, it is a meaningful tradition for Christian families. It is an act of gratitude, commitment, and celebration, where parents publicly acknowledge their child as a gift from God and commit to raising them in the ways of the Lord.

“Behold, children are a gift from God; the fruit of the womb is a reward.” – Psalm 127:3

The Biblical Inspiration for Baby Dedication

The practice of dedicating children finds its roots in Scripture. Jesus Himself was presented at the temple shortly after His birth:
“And when the days for their purification according to the law of Moses were completed, they brought Him up to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord.” – Luke 2:22

This was by Jewish tradition, where the firstborn son was presented to God as an offering of thanks and consecration. Although this tradition was specific to Jewish law, dedicating children to God resonates with Christian families as a symbolic act of consecration and commitment.

What is Baby Dedication?

Baby Dedication is a public declaration by parents of their commitment to:

  1. Thank God for the blessing of their child.
  2. Raise their child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. (Ephesians 6:4)
  3. Model Christ-like behavior in their home.

It is also a time for the congregation to commit to supporting the family, providing encouragement, and praying for the child’s spiritual growth and well-being.

The Ceremony

During the Baby Dedication ceremony:

  • The child is presented to God by the parents, symbolizing their gratitude and commitment.
  • The pastor and elders anoint the child and pray, asking for God’s blessing, protection, and guidance over the child’s life.
  • The congregation is encouraged to stand with the family, committing to support and upholding them in prayer and fellowship.

Dedication is Not Baptism

At Freedom Worship Center, we distinguish between Baby Dedication and Baptism:

  • Dedication is an act of the parents’ faith, not the child’s. It does not convey salvation but instead reflects the parents’ intention to raise the child in a God-honoring way.
  • Baptism is reserved for individuals who have decided to follow Christ and publicly profess their faith. Since infants cannot make this decision, we do not baptize or christen them.

Who Can Participate?

Children do not need to be newborns to be dedicated. Any parent or guardian who wishes to commit their child to the Lord is welcome to participate. To schedule a dedication, please get in touch with the pastors or elders to discuss and arrange this special event.

A Time of Celebration

Baby Dedication is a joyful occasion for the family and the entire congregation. It is a time to celebrate the gift of life and the family’s commitment to raising their child according to God’s principles.

At Freedom Worship Center, we believe that children are a blessing from God, and we are honored to stand with families as they take this important step in their child’s spiritual journey. We pray that every child dedicated to the Lord will grow to know Him personally and fulfill His purpose for their life.

Knowing Him, Making Him Known